NoBARC Members are able to host a VE Session to help newcomers get their license and existing amatures upgrade their license.
VE session Wednesday November 6th 6:30 PM at the Cheshire Fire House
Cheshire (MA) Fire Department
9 South Street (Route 8)
Cheshire MA 01225
Exam Candidates are REQUIRED to register in the FCC CORES system and receive a FCC Registration Number (FRN) before exam day. Candidates should go to the FCC CORES User Account and Registration page:
Please bring with you:
- $15 for the exam ( check made out to ” ARRL VE ” or cash
- Photo ID
- Original Radio License (if any)
- Photocopy of your license (if any)
- CSCE from previous exam(s)
- FCC Registration Number ( FRN )
- Pencils
- Calculators are permitted, but must have a clearable memory.